ISO 17712 is an International Standard which establishes uniform procedures for the classification, acceptance and withdrawal of acceptance of mechanical freight container seals. It provides a single source of information on mechanical seals which are acceptable for securing freight containers in international commerce. The ISO 17712 establishes “uniform procedures for the categorization, acceptance, and withdrawal of mechanical freight container seals. It gives a single source of information on mechanical seals which are acceptable for securing freight containers in international commerce.”
Benefits of ISO Pas 17712 Freight Containers
Benefits of ISO PAS 17712
Reducing shipping delays that result when seals are lost or broken.
Speed up logistic procedures.
When checking seals for signs of tampering, tamper-evident seals should permit personnel, with the suitable training, to detect compromised seals more simply.
Reduced possibility of cargo theft or tampering.
Reduced possibility of unofficial material being inserted into containers or other tools of global traffic (IIT).
International Standard ISO 17712, Freight Containers – Mechanical Seals, published in September 2010, Is the Third Generation Of 17712. The first generation was a publicly available specification (PAS) published In 2003; The second generation was a revision to ISO/PAS 17712 published In 2006. A PAS Is faster to approve than a formal standard, but It has a limited shelf-life. The PAS focused on the physical parameters of three classes or levels of seal barrier strength: indicative (“I”), security (“S”), and high security (“H”). The barrier strength of a seal was and still is measured with four tests: impact, shear, bend and tensile Strength. In the third generation of the standard PAS word was removed as now it had become a formal standard, the new version is known as ISO 17712:2013.
Our Accreditation
CDG is one of the world’s very few testing laboratories accredited to conduct tests for ISO 17712 standards. We also have ISO 17020 accreditation to conduct inspections as per clause 6 of this standard. We are an accredited testing laboratory & an accredited process reviewer for ISO 17712 standard.